Monday, December 08, 2008

Everywhere I look, I see 'Total Recall'

I've got a terrible condition: I see the world through a Total Recall filter. It affects my daily life. Whereas most people want to visit Hawaii or Europe on vacation, I want to go to Mars. Yes, I'm aware of the recent violent uprisings on Mars, and the tenuous oxygen situation, but that's just where I want to go. It's even worse when my family actually goes on a vacation, because I insist on dressing up as a 6'3'' fat redheaded woman, who's only staying for "two weeks."

Worse yet, I'm beginning to see any movie as Total Recall. Take for instance my recent viewing of Wall-E, which just looked like Total Recall to my damned eyes:

I know there's a cure, but I fear that it's simply more Total Recall.


elgringo said...

I love you, Adam.

This is the best post I've read in months.

Fletch said...

I have a Seinfeld filter, but then again, there's a whole lot more material to work with, what with 9 seasons or so of episodes.

Still, I know the feeling. I mean, hey man, I got five kids to feed!

Adam Ross said...

Gringo -- Thanks, but remember: "YOU are no YOU, you are ME!"

Fletch -- Seems like there was a point in the late 90s where everyone I knew had a Seinfeld filter, those were the days.

Anonymous said...

Thats a Keen filter. Good eye. I do the same , actually. I see a LOT of stuff through a Argento filter. Especially his Suspiria years....good review/pics to illustrate the point. Kudos !

bill r. said...

Remember the chase/fight scene that includes people running through the x-ray machine, holding guns? Why didn't Verhoven show any of those x-ray people getting shot? That's a big missed opportunity, if you ask me.

Adam Ross said...

Or Verhoeven could have had a gag where a guy walks in front of the x-ray screen holding one of those medical skeletons -- small joke, but I would have laughed.

Anonymous said...


Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

I see everything through a Commando filter, myself.

Though my fantasy team is the Mars Total Recall.

Anonymous said...

I still don't get "Total Recall"
But I do get what you're's sad really !

viagra online said...

I think you're right, it's an awful situation. I think we need more explanations about this same topic because I am not aware about it.